Paying your bills with MAJORITY is easy and secure. You can pay your bills using your MAJORITY card or your MAJORITY account.
Follow these steps to pay your bills with your MAJORITY card:
Since your MAJORITY card is a Visa® debit card, you can pay your bills anywhere Visa is accepted. All you have to do is give your card details to your biller, or enter your card details on their website.
Follow these steps to pay your bills with your MAJORITY account:
You can pay bills with your MAJORITY account through a direct debit (ACH Debit). This means that once you give your account details to your biller, they will deduct the amount you owe directly from your MAJORITY account. To use this option for bill payment, give your account number and routing number to your biller.
💡Tip: You can also use your account number and routing number to set up direct deposit with your employer. You can receive your paycheck directly into your MAJORITY account up to 2 days early!