Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for the Census 2020 has been extended to Mid-August. If you haven't completed it yet, here is some information that you might find useful.
1. What is the Census?
The census is a head-count of all the people (not just citizens) living in the country at a specific time.
2. Why is it important?
The census helps determine representation, specifically the number of congressmen per state in the House of Representatives. It also helps to allocate budget resources to hospitals, schools, and roads, among other key investments.
3. What type of questions do they ask?
They are very basic questions, such as the number of people living in the house, type of home, school attendance, and access to services.
4. Who should respond to it?
Any person living in the US and its five territories should be counted. The census should be responded to by one person in each household. You do not need to be a citizen to respond.
5. Do they ask about my immigration status?
No. In fact, an attempt to introduce a citizenship question into the form was not successful.
6. Do they share my information?
The information you provide to the Census 2020 is strictly confidential and should not be used for any other purpose than representation of data for resource allocation. None of your personal information will be shared with other federal agencies.
7. Do I have to receive a Census 2020 representative at my house?
No. You can fill in the form in person, online, or by mail.
8. There have been some changes in my family recently. How do I fill the form?
Marriages end, kids go to college, and sometimes we have relatives living temporarily with us. Whatever the situation in your household, every answer should refer to how things were on April 1st, 2020. Anything that happened after that date should not be included.
9. Why do they ask about my race?
Although it is a question that examines a delicate issue, especially this year, it is relevant. It allows federal agencies to monitor compliance of anti-discriminatory policies and provisions.
10. My English is less than perfect. Can I respond in a different language?
¡Sí!, نعم!, Oui! You can respond either online or by phone in 13 different languages. Besides, guidelines and websites are offered in as many as 59 non-English languages.
Cooperating with the Census Bureau in the collection of this data can make a difference in your community. It could mean more resources to prevent crime, more teachers in your local schools, or a better-equipped fire department in your city.
The information gathered can also help define the funding for health programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's Health Insurance. The data is also used to plan spending in the prevention and treatment of substance abuse.
Due to the pandemic's economic downturn, planners will need the best data available to plan and fund employment and training programs. This will be vital for thousands of workers to get back on their feet.
Basically, by responding to the Census 2020, you will be contributing to building a better future for everybody in the US. So, if you have not done it yet, click here, find your questionnaires, fill it out, and send it. Make yourself count!